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FAQs Of Crystal Stones

Q1] What are Crystals?

Crystals are nature’s gift to man….as now there is development in technology that there are  manmade crystals stones available in the market….But the crystal which are naturally obtain are only used for healing as they posses energy for healing. Man made crystals dnt have that energy to heal anything. Crystals are found in all shapes, sizes, colours and composition. Each crystal has a unique vibrational qualities.

Q2] What Is Crystal Healing?

Since ancient time crystal stone have been used for healing purpose….throughout the world as an alternative therapy…
The crystals are utilize or you can say used for the healing….the method applied for using the energy of crystal is by placing them around the body is called crystal healing….
Crystals have been used to heal and restore balance. They help in releasing and clearing negative energy, thereby assisting in energy healing. In India crystal stone are used for healing purpose since ages.

Q3] How Crystals Connects With Human Body While Healing? 

The human being body has a compound electromagnetic system, also known as a vibrational energy system. Nature has created crystals to be perfect electromagnetic conductors, capable of interacting with our electromagnetic system. Crystals have been found to carry vibration that activates certain energy centers within our electromagnetic system, thus having a positive effect on our entire body systems.

Q4] How Can Crystal Therapy Give Positive Effects To Us?

Crystal therapy is a treatment used to restore the balance and well being of a person. In this therapy various stones are placed on or around the body that vibrate with chakras of the body. This helps to heal blockages & calming the flow of energy. The receiver is able to experience a deep state of peace, letting go of attitudes, feeling and habits that are not useful, nor supportive in tuning ourselves to the rhythm of life. Crystals work on the subtle energy levels and in our auras to rebalanced energies and improve our well-being. This therapy promotes peace and calmness and reduces mental and nervous stress.

Q5] Can Crystal stone harm anyone or has any side effects after using them?

  • The answer is “NO” crystal doesn’t harm…
  • some individuals may observe some side effects for few days as in 15 to 20 days after that there won’t be any side effects, this happens because the crystal is getting connected to your 7 chakras,  for example: if you shift in the new house you can’t sleep it takes time to adjust in new place, same way its common sense body/body aura takes time to adjust with new things.
  • they can be used as an alternative therapy, or even as fashion jewelry… only need to take care of some crystal stone which has a toxic element which you can check it on google…or ask us and we will guide you for the same.
  • Remember one thing crystal is an alternative treatment but that doesn’t mean you eat or swallow from the mouth the crystal stone, crystal is used for external use only.

Q6] Within How Many Days Of Use Does Crystal Stone Energies Will Show Results?

  • The crystal energies are little slow then gemstone.
  • Person to person it will vary the energies as different result experience,
  • Depending according to the problem, obstacles, face by the wearer, as well as their planetary issues in kundali…
  • Some people get result very quick within few days,
  • But some people get result in some months.
  • Or some people get result within some 1 or 2 years or more.

Q7] Can anyone use crystal stone?

The answer is “YES” crystal can b worn by anyone as they dont harm like gemstone…they are safe to use…


Crystal therapy is an alternate solution to treat or heal humans, animals, place or situations…We suggest you to take crystal therapy along with your medical treatments recommended by the doctors….Crystal therapy can be used for additional energies for healing so we highly advice you not to stop taking medical assistance recommended by doctor…. Crystal therapy energy works on your trust / belief on it and trust on God… try for yourself…
For those who don’t believe the crystal therapy or alternative therapy…we are not forcing anyone to believe in crystal therapy, as it is your choice… but  crystal are beautiful natural resource which can be used as a crystal decorative item.

Q8] Is it necessary to Energies Crystal stone before use?

Yes its is necessary to energies crystal stone before use because the crystal absorbs negative energies from the environment so before wearing the crystal it has to be cleans and energies on the name of the individual of the crystal,

  • Crystal therapy is an alternate solution to treat or heal humans, animals, place or situations
  • We highly suggest you to take crystal therapy along with your medical treatments recommended by the doctor…Crystal therapy can be used for additional energies in healing so we advice you to continue taking medical assistance recommended by your doctor
  • Crystal therapy works on only if you trust / believe in it and trust on God
  • We don’t force anyone to believe in crystal therapy or alternative therapy
  • All information and data regarding crystals is sourced from the internet, we are not responsible for its reliability of any kind…you may use the product on your own discretion